Thursday, April 06, 2006

Me and Brian

Recording session

at Carlton Studios



Blogger Banny said...

Nice one boys!! Any news of any forthcoming gigs in England? Maybe you could do one in my home county of Lincolnshire.
Keep up the good work.

12:32 pm  
Blogger Derek Forbes said...

let us know of any festivals or big gigs in your area and we'll work on it. An e-mail address would be great.


6:34 pm  
Blogger Derek Forbes said...

Last time I played Pink Pop with Simple Minds, I played football backstage with the legendary John Peel....Get me an e-mail address for the festival,or promoter, and I'll see what I can do Rinze.


10:49 am  
Blogger Derek Forbes said...

The biggest thing for us at the moment are the recordings. Once they are out of the way, we will be setting up dates all over the world.


12:57 pm  
Blogger Derek Forbes said...

No. but we will keep you posted.

thanx again


2:13 pm  
Blogger Banny said...

Hi Derek, sorry for the late reply, been laying slabs in the front garden. You know how it is!
I know that westlife are doing a big gig at Lincoln City Football Club sometime this summer. Also, there is often events and things going off at Lincoln Castle, I'll see what I can find out.
You can contact me on if you like and I can keep you up to date with events in Lincolnshire as soon as poss.
Do you remember using the old chapel studio at south Thorseby near Louth, Lincolnshire with simple minds in 1983? I believe you were laying out tracks for sparkle in the rain. I live in Louth, but was at school and couldn't get out to see you all.
Check out my blog and give us a shout.


7:33 pm  
Blogger Derek Forbes said...

Of course I remember Banny. I went into a video shop in Louth with Charlie one day. We saw lots of Tin Tin videos, (ex rental) for sale. I bought the lot for about thirty pounds. The man in the shop thought I was mad. Charlie went in days later , and the man was joking with Charlie about how mad I was for buying the videos at that price, but Charlie then told him I had sold them on for £100, and the guy nearly fell over...I've still got them all by the way. Derek

9:59 pm  
Blogger Banny said...

Hi Derek,
that's great that you still remember your time in and around my home town of Louth, it's not one of the most well known towns in the UK. People don't tend to notice Lincolnshire much so it's great that someone of your calibre has fond memories.
I'm still working on finding information about events here so keep in touch.
By the way, do you still have your orange and white sunburst fender p bass that you used in simple minds? I would love that bass.
Check out my blog and don't forget to shout KLOUT! Spread the word!
Cheers big dan!

2:24 pm  
Blogger Banny said...

Hi Derek,
that's great that you still remember your time in and around my home town of Louth, it's not one of the most well known towns in the UK. People don't tend to notice Lincolnshire much so it's great that someone of your calibre has fond memories.
I'm still working on finding information about events here so keep in touch.
By the way, do you still have your orange and white sunburst fender p bass that you used in simple minds? I would love that bass.
Check out my blog and don't forget to shout KLOUT! Spread the word!
Cheers big dan!

2:24 pm  
Blogger Banny said...

Hi Derek,
that's great that you still remember your time in and around my home town of Louth, it's not one of the most well known towns in the UK. People don't tend to notice Lincolnshire much so it's great that someone of your calibre has fond memories.
I'm still working on finding information about events here so keep in touch.
By the way, do you still have your orange and white sunburst fender p bass that you used in simple minds? I would love that bass.
Check out my blog and don't forget to shout KLOUT! Spread the word!
Cheers big dan!

2:24 pm  
Blogger Banny said...

Not quite sure what happened there Derek. Sorry abut that I think my pc got a bit carried away!

2:27 pm  
Blogger Derek Forbes said...

Cheers Brian

9:32 pm  

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